Roux Pecans EU Cerified Organic Pecan Nuts and Kernel

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Location: Ramah Farm, PO Box 255, Hopetown 8750. South Africa, Tel/Fax:+27-53-2040001, South Africa

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Wichita really heavy this year.

Wichita nuts in a cluster on the tree prior to shaking and then in the crate before storage and shelling.

Wichita after shaking and in a crate for storage

New Record Crop

Our crop this year has topped the previous record and, by all accounts may go as much a 15 - 20% more.
The really pleasing part of this is that the quality is particularly good too.
The 5 kilo blocks are stacking up ready for delivery to our "friends".
We put two 5 kilo blocks in one box.