Roux Pecans EU Cerified Organic Pecan Nuts and Kernel

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Location: Ramah Farm, PO Box 255, Hopetown 8750. South Africa, Tel/Fax:+27-53-2040001, South Africa

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Roux Pecans in muesli

One of our European customers has a special order from Roux Pecans for their muesli mix.

They very kindly sent us two sample boxes.

Kaatjie Buffel is seen inspecting the grade wanted for this mixture, to ensure that only the best passes her by.

In the second picture is Kaatjie's husband George, the Processing Supervisor and Bob, admiring and commenting on the product with some of the ladies who inspect other grades.

They are looking forward to tasting it!!

Out with the old - in with the new

In the 1950's my father returned to the farm after spending 6 months at as a trainee stud manager at a prestigious Thoroughbred Racehorse Stud Farm in England.

He was very keen to grow crops of lucern and teff along the river. My grandfather was not keen as he said that irrigation along the river was a precursor to bankruptcy.

He relented and the first Ferguson tractor, or "Vaal-Japie" (Grey-Johnny) as they are called in South Africa, with trailer filled with implements was driven the 120 km from Kimberley to the farm. Cost: Six hundred Pounds.

This tractor was the first in the world to come standard with a "3-point linkage system".

All tractors since have them.

In 1965 the Fordson Super Major arrived. This tractor together with the two Fergusons prepared the ground for the pecan development.

Here Bob Roux watches them being loaded to be taken to a tractor dealer.

We have been told that a collector of vintage tractors has made an offer for them. Sentiment wishes that they have such an end.
It was sad to see them go.