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Thursday, April 26, 2007

How to make "Organic" Agriculture Mainstream Agriculture

This word "Organic" or any of it's synonymous is an unfortunate label hung around the neck of certain styles of agriculture or farming.
It is very broad and cannot be clearly defined in the mind of any individual, group or community.

It appears to me that there is a distinction between plundering the environment for personal gain by individuals or shareholders in companies who act on their behalf on the one hand, and the epitomy of hand to mouth hunter gatherer individuals or communities living off the land, on the other hand.
Between these two extremes is a grey area.

Somehow, "Conventional" agriculture spin doctors have managed to convince Organic farmers AND their customers that they should pay a premium for goods bought and supplied.

This to me is completely wrong. The converse should be the norm.

It is Conventional Agriculture that should pay a tax for using the methods they do.
The tax can be used for amongst MANY other things for;
  • Environmental clean-up. Damage to eco-systems due to leaching of synthetic fertilizers into the environment. Landfill of packaging
  • Community health programns. Harvesting immature nitrogen fed crops of low nutritient value causes community health problems. Anti-biotics fed to animals enters the human food chain causing immune related problems.
  • Assisting communities and infrastructure destabilized by industrial sized agricultural farms
  • There are many divisions and sub-divisions of subjects. The list can be added to.

I propose that all agricultural projects no matter how big or small operated for commercial gain or profit be subject to a scale from 1 to 10.

10 on the scale:

Imagine a farmer who owns a piece of land. He tries in every endeavor to apply Nature and Human Compassion to make a profit for the benefit of himself, his family, his community, his country, his Continent without detriment to any of those, and leaves the land as it was or more fertile than it was when he arrived on it.This Farmer may be “10” on the scale. (Organic)

1 on the scale"

Imagine a farmer buying a particular piece of land, and uses all available expertise or systems mechanical, industrial or technological to make the most money in a very short space of time for as long as possible irrespective of any other consideration, environmental, sentimental or social. If there happens to be a downturn in expectation at any time he withdraws this capital and departs.This Farmer may be “1” on the scale. (Conventional)

This system can be coupled to the National Taxation system in every country. Governments love taxes.

This will be the surest way of effecting a change in mindset amongst farmers and their customers because this input cost will be added to thye cost of the product. Like tobacco and smoking. It is not tobacco that is bad for you or those around you, it the tobacco smoke when you smoke it. Tobacco products (Cigarettes etc.) are taxed not tobacco. So too should those farmers using environmentally unhealthy practices and inputs pay for the resultant damage caused.

Farmers love an incentive. Synthetic stimulants, herbicides, cut and burn agriculture and so many other environmentally unfriendly and for that matter socially unfriendly practices will become economically unattractive.

"Organic" or Natural methods will become more popular, as tax avoidance becomes an incentive.

In this way, there will be no conflict between "Organic" and "non-Organic" as is the case today. It will simply be a choice.

Just as in the case of the tobacco lobbies of the 1950's made smoking fashionable and denied the ill-effects of the practice, so too, society should punish the companies and individuals who misuse the land and public health as a result.


Blogger Inner Child said...

Hi, I found your post valuable and agree with you that although conventional agriculture puts products on the supermarket shelves cheaper than 'organic' suppliers, the full cost of the product is not reflected in the price. We pay by means of health and environmental costs.

I read a book called 'The Omnivores Dilemma' by Michael Pollan. He is an American journalist who explored the different food chains in the US, from the land to the table. The part on organic farming may be of interest to you. He found that 'organic' farming in the US has grown to the extent that, although the suppliers comply with the legal definition, the production and distribution follow pretty much the procedures of the industrial food chain, to the extent that 'organic' products are shipped all over the world with huge transportation costs.

As an alternative, he presents a farm that operates on what is called 'beyond organic' principles. Here they imitate nature as much as possible.

I posted an entry on Pollan's book here:

The reason I stumbled upon your blog is that I am drafting a follow up on organic food production, as portrayed by Pollan. What interests me most is to what extent Pollan's observations of the US organic food market is relevant in SA. Your views will be appreciated. you can e-mail me at


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