Roux Pecans EU Cerified Organic Pecan Nuts and Kernel

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Location: Ramah Farm, PO Box 255, Hopetown 8750. South Africa, Tel/Fax:+27-53-2040001, South Africa

Friday, October 24, 2008

RAMAH FIRE 11.10.2008

Ramah house was seriously damaged by a fire that started in my office at my computer. It appears that an electrical short circuit was the cause.

Two pictures are the inside of my office, and some artifacts recovered. Some may be recognizable on close inspection.


Blogger Duncan Walker said...

Chris and Sandy

It has been a long time since we spoke, like February/March 1986, when Prue and I came through on the Round Table Diamond Tour with Waldo and Jenny Thole. We still have contact with quite a lot of the ones that visited your farm too. We have either visited or been visited by numerous members of that group. Sadly, several of that group have died from cancer.

I was just looking for something on the internet and for some unknown reason I came across your Pecan site. I was saddened to see the result of the fire damage to your home.

My memories are still quite vivid of our visit to your area and the very enjoyable day we had on your farm. Time has gone so quickly and as a result so much has happened, too.

Have a look at our recent adventures across Australia on
Hopefully, we hear from you before too long.

Kind regards
Duncan Walker

12:13 am  

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