Roux Pecans EU Cerified Organic Pecan Nuts and Kernel

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Location: Ramah Farm, PO Box 255, Hopetown 8750. South Africa, Tel/Fax:+27-53-2040001, South Africa

Monday, January 05, 2009

Locusts in Roux Pecans Orchard

This is the first time the prolific pest the Brown Locust, has arrived in our orchard. This pest is the scourge of crops in Africa destroying vast tracts of fresh pasture growth in a short time and naturally, destroys food crops in a short time. Literally hours

Interestingly enough they did not relish pecan leaves.

I assume this may be due to the tannin content in the leaves. I am interested to find out if there is further evidence in this regard.

For the uninitiated, these swarms can be so dense as to effectively block out the sun for an hour or more.

They can truly be an awesome natural experience.


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